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Establishing Engaged Community Advisory Boards in Assisted Living: Built on best practices for engagement, with relevance to the assisted living setting, community advisory boards were established at three pilot assisted living sites in 2020. A description of this work, including a Community Advisory Board Toolkit, can be accessed here:  

 MAPS Assisted Living Community Advisory Board Report_02.2021.pdf

Community advisory boards create opportunities for joint decision-making and help ensure that decisions better reflect the resident/tenant and family perspective and needs. This work was funded by Care Providers of Minnesota and Stratis Health. 

Stop Dropping the Ball: Improving Diagnosis Across Transitions of Care in Rural Communities: This innovative project is centered on improving diagnostic test management upon discharge from the emergency department in a rural community. By co-designing a new process with community members and patients, the possibility of test result follow-up communication failures will be minimized. Funded by MMIC/Constellation and Stratis Health.

Building on our patient engagement work in Own Best Medicine, MAPS in 2016-17 embarked on a grant funded project which included creating a website/virtual community, holding a community educational event, and convening a Patient & Family Engagement Planning Committee. The new website, www.includealways.org was launched in July 2016 at the educational event “Exploring Partnerships” that MAPS co-hosted with the Minnesota Hospital Association. MAPS Patient & Family Engagement Planning Committee will continue to guide MAPS work on this important priority across all care settings--including the continued development of the virtual tools and ongoing events and training programs.


MAPS Assisted Living Community Advisory Board Report_02.2021.pdf

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