Safety at a Crossroads: Back to the heart of Patient Safety
Healthcare safety has declined in the past 2 years, and the public may learn less about mistakes. Post-COVID pandemic, there is a call-to-action for patients and providers alike to increase healthcare safety by rebuilding and strengthening their partnership.
This series was designed to boldly address the difficult situations and collectively recommit to doing whatever is possible to ensure safe care everywhere, for everyone! Hear experts answer tough questions and be part of the critical conversation as we journey towards co-creating a more just, safe, equitable, and innovative healthcare system. If you're interested in watching these series of webinars, please email us at
We had an incredible variety of wonderful speakers, who touched on great topics such as,
Jesse Bethke Gomez, - The Three Tenets of Patient Safety: Better Outcomes for the United States
Dr. Tejal Gandhi - Patient Engagement to Accelerate Patient Safety: Ensuring Safe, Highly Reliable Patient Visitation
Laurie Drill Mellum - Communication in the Setting of Harm Events: What's Love Got to Do With It?
MaryAnn Johnson - Compassion for Ourselves and Others
Dr. Victor Montori - Careful and Kind Care is Safer Care
Dr. Michael McCoy - Candor/CPR: Communication and Optimal Resolution Process
Dr. Brandi Sillerud - Creating Safety from the Chaos
Karin Joy - The Intersection between Quality, Patient Engagement and Person-Centered Care
Patti Cullen - COVID-19 Visitation Restrictions Across the Continuum of Care
Sheila Delaney Maroney - Patients and Families are Your Best Safety Allies
Cami Smalley - Gift of Mindfulness
Commissioner Jan Malcom - Lessons learned from COVID-19
Jennifer Lundblad - Closing Thoughts
Dr. David Satin - Closing Thoughts
We also provided a safe place for patient's to share their stories:
Kathleen Westerhaus
Ronn Lehmann
Mallory Weggemann